Moshe Kahn is an abstract painter and founder of HASC (Hebrew Artists Social Community). Moshe’s career in art began when he was 7 years old and painted his first abstract work. Moshe Kahn tries to capture the vibrancy in his paintings.
In this article, you will learn more about the paintings of Moshe Kahn.

The Abstract Paintings of Moshe Kahn HASC
The abstract paintings of Moshe Kahn are colorful, dynamic, and highly original. They are also representational in nature, with strong horizontal lines and figures in various poses and locations. Because of this, he is best known for his work in this genre. But he excels at painting other types of art, as well as planning and organization.
The Colors Used in Moshe Kahn HASC Paintings
The abstract paintings of Moshe Kahn have vibrant, diverse colors that stand out against the backgrounds they are painted. Many of these colors can be found in nature, and they are used in combination with the artist’s neutral palette to create striking visual effects. The following are the most popular colors used in the abstract paintings by Moshe Kahn.
Red – Red is bolder, more vibrant, and more upfront in the abstract paintings of Moshe Kahn, which makes it a great color to use in these paintings. Red is also used to create strong contrasts in the foreground and background, which is another important aspect of the color red in abstract art.
Yellow – Moshe Kahn uses yellow to add warmth and lightness to the paintings, making them more engaging to look at. It also helps to break up the otherwise strict, monochromatic nature of the paintings.
Blue – Blue is calming, and it helps to bring the paintings to a more even pace.
Purple – Moshe Kahn also uses purple to create a more vibrant effect, and it is often used to add mood to the paintings. It can also help him to break up the otherwise monochromatic nature of the paintings.
Moshe Kahn HASC Goals and Objectives
The main goal of Moshe Kahn is to create a welcoming environment for all types of artists. For this reason, he founded HASC (Hebrew Artists Social Community). He has provided a platform for different artists to meet and exchange ideas, and show their work. Another goal is to raise awareness of the art form among the general public. This is achieved through various outreach programs, including school visits, and public programs that engage the audience in the work process of the artists.
Moshe Kahn HASC future plans
Moshe Kahn HASC founder has been hosting annual painting events for the past 26 years. In 2021, Moshe Kahn plans to retire from active painting and focus more on his Hebrew Artists Social Community. He plans to assist retiring members of the HASC in finding suitable housing, and help them with medical and other services.